News — Kat Sarmiento

5 Sustainable Habits To Adopt At Home

Maria Auclair

Tags Kat Sarmiento, Living sustainably, Sustainability, Sustainable HAbits

5 Sustainable Habits To Adopt At Home

By: Kat Sarmiento Living sustainably can bring you many benefits. It can help you improve your quality of life, preserve natural resources, and protect the environment from irreversible damage. It’s no wonder why so many people are choosing sustainable lifestyles nowadays.    Surveys show that around 64% of Americans now live more sustainably than they did a few years back. Around 55% now also recycle more than before. If you haven’t started changing your consumption to live more sustainably yet, here are five sustainable habits to adopt at home.  Habit 1: Use Vehicles Wisely Driving more efficiently is not just...